Chronic Pain Tracker is an awesome App! Its so flexible itll work for anyone. Whatever your needs … Simple — Do you just want to keep a diary, with entries for the level of your pain throughout the day and night? Want to also see if theres a correlation b/w your pain & the weather? No problem!
Or are you a chronic pain sufferer? Want to track your pain, the triggers that cause your pain or make it worse? What about entering mess, to see, once & for all, whether theyre helping you or not? Add in some health vitals … "Modalities" or treatments that may improve your pain,? Or even enter things like "…took a hot shower"; maybe theres a benefit to that or something similar, that you didnt think were so significant.
This app is powerful, flexible, customizable, and utilizes the cloud, so you can use it on both your iPhone & iPad! This app could help you, and your doctor, make your life a little better. Why not? Nothing to lose.
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