Before downloading this version of pain tracker I tried six other pain trackers and diaries available for the iOS. I wont say which ones, since I dont know what review etiquette is about that here, but most of them were ones that are frequently found on sale. They each had their positives and negatives, but I wasnt happy with them. The most common problems I had were:
1. Some were simply a chore to use. I mean, tracking pain is boring and interrupts the flow of my day as it is, wrestling with annoying controls and design decisions makes it worse. Pain Tracker is simple to use and I can make a detailed entry in the shortest time possible, which is what I wanted.
2. Inadequate reports. I wasnt satisfied with their reports, period. Some were so limited as to not be useful, others were confusing. If Im seeing a specialist and give them a report print out, its not going to help at all if I have to take ten minutes to explain how to read it and what things mean. Pain Trackers reports are the reason I love it so much: I can choose exactly how much or how little I want included, what I want it focused on, and so many other options. As a real world example, my GPs response to the first pain tracker report I brought was: "this is a good program!"
#3. Not flexible enough. Every chronic pain/illness is different. With too many of the other apps things were included that didnt apply to me and my condition, or alternatively there was no way to add something I wanted included. Pain Tracker is great for this, I was able to set it up to track only those things that apply to me, and include everything I needed. Honestly you could literally set it up to track if the weather effects how much you like aunt Marthas famous whipped chocolate pie, if you liked.
Everything is not perfect, however, and theres something you should know upfront: the current version occasionally crashes. Not often, but enough to annoy you when it happens. It happens most often when youre leaving the screen where you draw pain locations on a paper doll. As a temporary fix I just do the doll part first, so I dont lose any other data if it does crash. Even with this problem though, this is head and shoulders above the pack in my opinion.
So thats it... I really like this app. Why the long review? I thought it might help someone find the right tool that they need, and to encourage the developers to keep improving this app: its a good one, and it helps me.